The OECD/G20 developed Global Anti-Base Erosion (‘GloBE’) model rules in Pillar Two of BEPS 2.0 to address...
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South Africa: Deferred tax at 27% or 28%?
The South African National Treasury announced on 23 February 2022 that the corporate tax rate is reduced from 28% to 27% for...
Accounting for VAT on leases
The accounting treatment of VAT was considered by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (the IFRIC) during some of its meetings in...
Deferred tax assets for tax losses
Entities may find themselves in a position where they had tax losses due to the weak economic conditions, even before the...
Deferred tax treatment of assets with multiple future tax consequences
Deferred tax reflects the future tax consequences that will arise when the economic benefits associated with assets are realised...
Presenting uncertain tax positions in financial statements
Entities that prepare financial statements in accordance with IFRS will be required to consider the application of IFRIC 23...